Since 1998 Melanie Singer works as a freelance editor - primarily for fictional formats - on projects such as “Die Schlikkerfrauen” (directed by Uwe Janson), “Danni Lowinski”, “Die Superbullen” (produced by Bernd Eichinger) or “Aschenputtel” (ARD).
She had not worked on another documentary since “Deutschland – ein Sommermärchen” by Sönke Wortmann. When Bertram Verhaag inquired about her availability, she was mainly curious about working with the “old hand” German documentary filmmaker. Now, after spending more than 50 hours of raw footage with the visionaries Prince Charles and David Wilson, she says that working on this film has changed her life. She has become more conscious of what she eats and has changed her mind on organic agriculture. Organic agriculture is not a luxury for princes - it‘s our only chance.